Image by Christina Rutz
I submitted a story to an anthology of spooky stories recently. The decisions won’t be announced until later this year, but I haven’t submitted to a collection like that since…ummm, I think it was 1991 and I typed my submission on a typewriter?!
I drafted a non-fiction book proposal targeted at a specific publishing house and sent it in last month. I should hear back on that around August.
Last but not least, I am working on a fiction book that I would like to be able to share with agents by my birthday.
Why now? What’s different about 2019? I’ve been a fan of self-publishing for years.
I’d like to work with a great publisher because I have accepted that I am lousy at many aspects of self-publishing, like creating covers. I need editors. I need someone plugged into a big email list of readers. I could go on, but writing is my jam…the rest of it, well, I could use help. I need people for that!
In 2019, I’m trying to find “my people.” Somewhere out there is a team ready to help work some book magic with me. This is my year!